

also whizz-bang (wĭz′băng′, hwĭz′-)Informal n. One that is conspicuously effective, successful, or skillful: a whiz-bang of a speech.adj.1. Conspicuously effective, successful, or skillful: a whiz-bang ad campaign.2. Very rapid and eventful; rushed: whiz-bang pacing; a whiz-bang schedule.
[From whizzbang, a shell used in World War I that was heard only an instant before landing and exploding : whiz + bang.]




n1. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) a small-calibre World War I shell that, when discharged, travelled at such a high velocity that the sound of its flight was heard only an instant, if at all, before the sound of its explosion2. a type of firework that jumps around emitting a whizzing sound and occasional bangsadjinformal excellent or first-rate