Why keep a dog and bark yourself?

why keep a dog and bark yourself

Why do something that someone else is paid to do? I don't know why she's vacuuming when her cleaning lady is coming over tomorrow. Why keep a dog and bark yourself?See also: and, bark, dog, keep, why

Why keep a dog and bark yourself?

Prov. You should not do something you have hired someone else to do. Ellen: The cleaning lady washes my floors every Tuesday, but I always wash them over again. Jane: Don't be silly, Ellen. Why keep a dog and bark yourself?See also: and, bark, dog, keep, why

why keep a ˌdog and bark yourˈself?

(informal, saying) if somebody can do a task for you, there is no point in doing it yourself: My mother always cleans the house before the cleaning lady comes, but why keep a dog and bark yourself?See also: and, bark, dog, keep, why