Acronym | Definition |
WIC➣Women, Infants and Children (public health program) |
WIC➣WAN Interface Card (Cisco) |
WIC➣World in Conflict (computer game) |
WIC➣Web Intelligence Consortium |
WIC➣West Island College (Canada) |
WIC➣Walk-in Clinic (healthcare) |
WIC➣World Inline Cup (racing) |
WIC➣Welfare and Institutions Code (California) |
WIC➣Walk-In Cooler (food service) |
WIC➣Walk In Closet |
WIC➣Writing Intensive Course (various universities) |
WIC➣Websphere Innovation Center |
WIC➣Windows Imaging Component |
WIC➣Wan Interface Card |
WIC➣Wireless Interface Card |
WIC➣West-Indische Compagnie (Dutch: west Indian company) |
WIC➣Woodwork Institute of California (now Woodwork Institute) |
WIC➣Women in the Church (Presbyterian Church in America) |
WIC➣Women's International Center (San Diego, CA, USA) |
WIC➣Workshop in Computing |
WIC➣Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (Vienna, Austria) |
WIC➣Wireless Internet Caucus |
WIC➣Windows Integrity Control (Microsoft) |
WIC➣Wine Institute of California |
WIC➣World Investment Conferences (investments; various locations) |
WIC➣Weapons Instructor Course |
WIC➣Wideband Imaging Camera |
WIC➣Women in Cable |
WIC➣Web Information Center |
WIC➣Western Isles Council (UK) |
WIC➣Wick, Scotland, United Kingdom - Wick (Airport Code) |
WIC➣Walgreens Item Code (retail merchandising) |
WIC➣West Indian Commission |
WIC➣World Internet Center (California) |
WIC➣Wall-Mountable Interconnect Center (Corning, fiberoptic cable) |
WIC➣Warning Information Correlation |
WIC➣Welding Institute of Canada |
WIC➣World Interest Club |
WIC➣Wood Institute of California |
WIC➣Work in Contract |
WIC➣Watershed Information Clearinghouse |
WIC➣Wartime Identification Code |
WIC➣Wilderness Instructors Course (Ontario, Canada) |
WIC➣Wave Interface Card (Sycamore) |
WIC➣Wonder Ice Cream (Newark, CA) |
WIC➣Wideband Interference Cancellation |
WIC➣Wire in Conduit (conductors) |
WIC➣Woodacre Improvement Club (Woodacre, CA) |
WIC➣Warfighting Integration Center (US Air Force) |