Wickliffe Mounds State Historic Site

Wickliffe Mounds State Historic Site

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Kentucky
Location:In the community of Wickliffe, about 30 miles west of Paducah on highways 51-60-62 west, near the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.
Facilities:Museum, welcome center, gift shop, hiking trail, and picnic area.
Special Features:Wickliffe Mounds is the archaeological site of aprehistoric Native American village of the Mississippian moundbuilders. The village was occupied from about AD 1100 to 1350. Thesettlement here was complex, with permanent houses and earthen moundssituated around a central plaza. Visitors to the site can see theexcavated features of the mounds; displays of Mississippian pottery,stone tools, bone and shell implements; the architecture of the moundsand houses; and the burial practices of the Mississippians.
Address:94 Green St
Wickliffe, KY 42087

Web: www.parks.ky.gov/statehistoricsites/wm
Size: 26 acres.

See other parks in Kentucky.