Wilmington State Parks

Wilmington State Parks

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Delaware
Location:In downtown Wilmington, along the Brandywine River.
Facilities:Picnic areas, pavilions, trails, game courts, sports fields, foodconcessions, restrooms, playgrounds (é). (These facilities aremainly at Brandywine and Rockford parks; Fletcher Brown and Alapocasare mainly areas to relax and enjoy the scenery.)
Activities:Hiking, bicycling, inline skating, tennis, basketball, hockey, baseball, softball, football, soccer.
Special Features:Wilmington State Parks is made up of both city- and state-owned land andis managed by the Delaware Division of Parks and Recreation. The park is actually a cluster of four urban parks connected bytrails: Brandywine Park (including the Brandywine Zoo and BaynardStadium), Rockford Park, H. Fletcher Brown Park, and Alopocas WoodsNatural Area.
Address:1021 W 18th St
Wilmington, DE 19802

Web: www.destateparks.com/wilmsp/wilmsp.htm

See other parks in Delaware.