Wilms tumor

Wilms tu·mor

(wilmz), Avoid the misspellings Wilm and Wilm's.a malignant renal tumor of young children, composed of small spindle cells and various other types of tissue, including tubules and, in some cases, structures resembling fetal glomeruli and striated muscle and cartilage; often inherited as an autosomal dominant trait [MIM*194070, *194080, *194090]. Synonym(s): nephroblastoma

Wilms tu·mor

(vilmz tū'mŏr) A malignant renal tumor of young children, composed of small spindle cells and various other types of tissue, including tubules and, in some cases, structures resembling fetal glomeruli, and striated muscle and cartilage. Often inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.
Synonym(s): nephroblastoma.

Wilms tumor

(vilmz) [Max Wilms, Ger. surgeon, 1867–1918] A rapidly developing tumor of the kidney that usually occurs in children. It is the most common renal tumor of childhood. It is associated with chromosomal deletions, esp. from chromosomes 11 and 16. In the past, the mortality from this type of cancer was extremely high; however, newer approaches to therapy have been very effective in controlling the tumor in about 90% of patients. Synonym: embryonal carcinosarcoma; nephroblastoma


Max, German surgeon, 1867-1918. Wilms syndrome - Synonym(s): Wilms tumorWilms tumor - a malignant renal tumor of young children. Synonym(s): adenomyosarcoma; embryoma of the kidney; nephroblastoma; Wilms syndrome