Wilson muscle

Wil·son mus·cle

(wil'sŏn), 1. Synonym(s): external urethral sphincter2. certain fibers of the levator ani.

ex·ter·nal u·re·thral sphinc·ter mus·cle

(eks-tĕr'năl yūr-ē'thrăl sfingk'tĕr mŭs'ĕl) Action, constricts membranous urethra to retain urine in bladder; nerve supply, pudendal.
Synonym(s): Guthrie muscle, musculus constrictor urethrae, musculus sphincter urethrae externus, sphincter muscle of urethra, sphincter urethrae externus, Wilson muscle.


James, English anatomist, physiologist, and surgeon, 1765-1821. Wilson muscle - (1) certain fibers of the levator ani; - (2) Synonym(s): sphincter urethrae