Wilson's Creek National Battlefield

Wilson's Creek National Battlefield

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / National BattlefieldsAddress:6424 W Farm Rd 182
Republic, MO 65738

Web: www.nps.gov/wicr/
Size: 2,365 acres.
Established: Authorized on April 22, 1960, as a national battlefield park; redesignated on December 16, 1970.
Location:3 miles east of Republic and 10 miles southwest of Springfield, Missouri. Accessible via US 60 and MO ZZ.
Facilities:Picnic area, rest rooms (é), bicycle trail, visitor center (é), museum/exhibit, self-guided tour/trail. Entrance fee required.
Activities:Hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, auto touring, living history programs.
Special Features:The battle here on August 10, 1861, was the first major Civil Warengagement west of the Mississippi and the scene of the death ofNathaniel Lyon, the first Union general killed in combat. TheConfederate failure here resulted in keeping Missouri in the Union.Major features include a 5-mile automobile tour loop, the restored 1852Ray House, and "Bloody Hill," the scene of the major battle. Wilson'sCreek Civil War Museum (formerly the Sweeny Museum) containsan outstanding collection of artifacts relating to the war west of theMississippi.

See other parks in Missouri.