


in agriculture, strips of two or more rows of tall crops (corn, sunflower, sorghum, Chinese mustard) sown in slot fallow or plantings of different crops to collect snow and protect the crops against dry winds.

Windbreaks are arranged perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds in order to cut down the velocity of the wind and increase the relative humidity of the layer of air near the ground. The rows in each windbreak are 14, 45, or 60 cm apart. The distance between windbreaks is 12 to 16 m or more, that is, equal to multiples of the operating width of a tractor during sowing and cultivation.


Ivanov, P. K., and L. I. Korobova. Kulisnye posevy v bor’be s zasukhoi i sukhoveiami. Moscow, 1960.