Wind-Energy Cadastre
Wind-Energy Cadastre
a system of record-keeping (data summary) for wind-energy resources; the aggregate of objective and necessary quantitative information pertaining to the wind-velocity conditions in a given locality. This system makes it possible to judge the efficiency and conditions of operation of wind-energy units. Information on the frequency of momentary and average wind velocities and the durations of possible calm periods is given in the form of statistical regularities or in tabular or graphic form using the results of long-term observations at weather stations as published in handbooks on the climate of the USSR. Data provided by special anemological expeditions are also used. The data of wind-energy cadastres serve as the basis for calculations made in wind energetics. The model of the random process, which takes into account both the tendencies to seasonal change and random variations in the general level of wind velocities, is used to obtain the most complete mathematical description of changes in wind intensity with time.
Konstantinov, V. A. “K voprosu o vetroenergeticheskom kadastre SSR.” In the collection Energeticheskie resursy SSSR, vol. 2. Moscow, 1938.Krasovskii, N. V. “Energeticheskie resursy vetra.” In Atlas energeticheskikh resursov SSSR, vol. 1, part 3. Moscow, 1935.
Metody razrabotki vetroenergeticheskogo kadastra. Moscow, 1963. (Collection of articles.)
Grinevich, G. A. Opyt razrabotki elementov malogo vetroenergeticheskogo kadastra Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana. Tashkent, 1952.
Issledovaniia kharakteristik rezhima vozobnovliaiushchikhsia istochnikov energii—vody, vetra i solntsa. Tashkent, 1963.