Windows 95

Windows 95

(operating system)(Win95) Microsoft's successor to theirWindows 3.11 operating system for IBM PCs. It was knownas "Chicago" during development. Its release was originallyscheduled for late 1994 but eventually happened on 11 Jul1995, followed by Service Release 1 on 1995-12-31 and OSR2(OEM Service Release 2) on 1996-08-24.

In contrast to earlier versions, Windows 95 is a completeoperating system rather than a graphical user interfacerunning on top of MS-DOS.

It provides 32-bit application support, pre-emptive multitasking, threading and built-in networking (TCP/IP,IPX, SLIP, PPP, and Windows Sockets). It includesMS-DOS 7.0, but takes over completely after booting. Thegraphical user interface, while similar to previous Windowsversions, is significantly improved.

Windows 95 has also been described as "32-bit extensions and agraphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operatingsystem originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written bya 2-bit company that can't stand 1-bit of competition".

The successor to Windows 95 was Windows 98.

Windows 95

The first 32-bit Windows operating system and a major upgrade to Windows 3.1. Introduced in August 1995, it added a completely redesigned user interface featuring the Start menu and Taskbar. The Windows 3.1 interface (Program Manager and File Manager) was also included as an option. Windows 95 became popular very quickly.

Major Improvements
Windows 95 improved networking and added long file names and Plug and Play, the latter a welcome relief for users. Memory limitations, plaguing users in Windows 3.1, were greatly diminished. Windows 95 also included preemptive multitasking, which allowed programs to be timeshared together more effectively than in Windows 3.1.

No More Booting DOS First
Windows 95 was the first Windows that booted directly. Previously, Windows 3.1 was loaded after the machine booted into DOS. In Windows 95, DOS was built in. See Windows, Win95B and Win 9x/3.1 Differences.