wise up to

wise up

1. To become more shrewd, prudent, or aware (about something); to exhibit more logic or common sense (about something). If you don't wise up soon, these conmen are going to take your company for everything it's worth. He used to really ruffle my feathers, but I wised up to his antics and have started ignoring him completely.2. To cause someone to become more shrewd, prudent, or aware (about something); to compel or enable someone to exhibit more logic or common sense (about something). In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "wise" and "up." We've been trying to wise the president up about the threat that country poses to our national security, but he simply won't listen to reason. Living on my own without a job for four years wised me up to some of the difficulties people in poverty face.See also: up, wise

wise up to

Make or become aware, informed or sophisticated, as in It's time someone wised you up to Mary; she's an incorrigible flirt, or As soon as Tony wised up to what the company was doing, he quit. [Slang; early 1900s] Also see put wise. See also: up, wise