

W0195700 (wĭt′ē)adj. wit·ti·er, wit·ti·est 1. Demonstrating wit in expression, especially in speech or writing; clever and humorous: a witty commentator on the political scene.2. Characterized by or having the nature of wit; funny or jocular: a witty saying.3. Entertainingly and strikingly clever or original in concept, design, or performance: a witty sculpture; witty choreography.
wit′ti·ly adv.wit′ti·ness n.
Adv.1.wittily - in a witty manner; "he would wittily chime into our conversation"


(wit) noun1. humour; the ability to express oneself in an amusing way. His plays are full of wit; I admire his wit. 風趣 幽默妙语2. a person who expresses himself in a humorous way, tells jokes etc. He's a great wit. 風趣的人 富于幽默感的人3. common sense, inventiveness etc. He did not have the wit to defend himself. 常識,應變能力 常识,应变能力 ˈwitless adjective crazy, stupid etc. 愚蠢的 愚蠢的-witted having understanding or intelligence of a certain kind. quick-/sharp-witted. (構成形容詞)有...智力的(如:機敏的) .(常用以构成复合词)智力 ... 的,头脑 ... 的 ˈwitticism (-sizəm) noun a witty remark etc. 風趣的話,妙語 打趣话,妙语 ˈwitty adjective clever and amusing. a witty person; witty remarks. 機智風趣的 诙谐的ˈwittily adverb 機智風趣地 机智地,机敏地 ˈwittiness noun 機智風趣 机敏at one's wits' end utterly confused and desperate. 江郎才盡,不知所措 智穷计尽,无计可施 keep one's wits about one to be cautious, alert and watchful. 保持警覺 保持警觉live by one's wits to live by cunning rather than by hard work. 靠耍手段過日子 靠耍手腕过日子(frighten/scare) out of one's wits (to frighten) (almost) to the point of madness. The sight of the gun in his hand scared me out of my wits. 讓人(幾乎)嚇破膽 把某人吓得魂不附体