

单词 women



W0204800 (wĭm′ĭn)n. Plural of woman.


(ˈwɪmɪn) n the plural of woman


(ˈwʊm ən)

n., pl. wom•en (ˈwɪm ɪn)
adj. n. 1. an adult female person, as distinguished from a girl or a man. 2. a wife. 3. a female lover or sweetheart. 4. a female servant or attendant. 5. women collectively; womankind. 6. the nature, characteristics, or feelings often attributed to women; womanliness. adj. 7. female: a woman plumber. [before 900; Middle English womman, wimman, Old English wīfman=wīf female + man human being; see wife, man] wom′an•less, adj. syn: woman, female, lady are nouns referring to adult human beings who are biologically female, that is, capable of bearing offspring. woman is the general, neutral term: a wealthy woman. In scientific, statistical, and other objective use female is the neutral contrastive term to male: 104 females to every 100 males. female is sometimes used disparagingly: a gossipy female. lady in the sense “polite, refined woman” is a term of approval: We know you will always behave like a lady. usage: Although formerly woman was sometimes regarded as demeaning and lady was the term of courtesy, woman is the designation preferred by most modern female adults: League of Women Voters; American Association of University Women. woman is the standard parallel to man. When modifying a plural noun, woman, like man, becomes plural: women athletes; women students. The use of lady as a term of courtesy has diminished somewhat in recent years, although it still survives in a few set phrases (ladies' room; Ladies' Day). lady is also used, but decreasingly, as a term of reference for women engaged in occupations considered by some to be menial or routine: cleaning lady; saleslady. See also girl, lady.


a combining form of woman: chairwoman; forewoman; spokeswoman. usage: Compounds ending in -woman commonly correspond to the masculine compounds in -man: councilman, councilwoman; congressman, congresswoman. The current practice, esp. in edited written English, is to avoid the -man form in reference to a woman or the plural -men when members of both sexes are involved. Often, a sex-neutral term is used; for example, council member rather than either councilman or councilwoman; representatives or legislators rather than congressmen. See also -man, -person.


See also male; mankind; mother; pregnancy; sex; wife.
bluestockingism1. the state of being a pedantic or literal-minded woman.
2. behavior characteristic of such a woman. — bluestocking, n., adj.
covertureLaw. the status of a married woman.emmenologythat branch of medicine that deals with menstruation and its related disorders.femicide1. the murder of a woman.
2. the murderer of a woman. Also called gynecide, gynaecide. — femicidal, adj.
gunocracygynecocracy.gynarchya form of government by a woman or women. Also called gynecocracy. — gynarchic, adj.gynecocracyrule by women. Also called gunocracy, gyneocracy, gynaeocracy.gynecolatry, gynaecolatrythe worship of women. Also gyneolatry. — gynecolater, n.gynecology, gynaecologythe branch of medical science that studies the diseases of women, especially of the reproductive organs. — gynecologist, n.gynecologic, gynecological, adj.gynecopathy, gynaecopathyany illness that afflicts only women. — gynecopathic, gynaecopathic, adj.gynephobia, gynophobiaan abnormal fear or hatred of women. — gynephobe, n.gyniatricsthe medical field dealing with women’s dieases.hoydenismill-bred, boisterous, or tomboyish behavior in a woman. — hoyden, n.hoydenish, adj.maenadismbehavior characteristic of a maenad or bacchante; raging or wild behavior in a woman.matriarchate1. a matriarchal form of government.
2. a family, tribe, or other social group ruled by a matriarch or matriarchs. — matriarchic, adj.
matriarchy1. a community in which the mother or oldest female is the supreme authority, and descent is traced through the female line.
2. government by females, with one as supreme. — matriarchist, n.matriarchic, matriarchical, adj.
misogynya hatred of women — misogynist, n.nubilitythe condition of being marriageable, especially in reference to a woman’s age or physical development. — nubile, adj.parthenolatrythe worship of virgins.parthenologyPhysiology. the study of virginity.philogynya love of or liking for women. — philogynist, n.philogynous, adj.pudicitymodesty, especially chastity or chastefulness.sexismthe practice of discriminating against women in job opportunities, salary levels and increases, and in other matters now generally considered to be equally the right of women. — sexist, n., adj.sororitya fellowship or association of women, as for a benevolent or charitable purpose or at a college.suffragettismmilitant advocacy of suffrage for women. See also politics.


  • (one's) own man/woman/person
  • a man/woman of the people
  • a man/woman on a mission
  • a man/woman with a mission
  • a woman of few words
  • a woman of her word
  • all able-bodied people
  • be (one's) own man/woman/person
  • business woman
  • fallen woman
  • God's gift to women
  • kept woman
  • man/woman/gentleman/lady of leisure
  • men (and women) in blue
  • Men make houses, women make homes
  • nasty woman
  • old woman
  • point woman
  • Renaissance man
  • repo woman
  • self-made man
  • straight woman
  • the little lady
  • the little woman
  • the thinking man's/women's crumpet
  • wine, women, and song
  • woman of color
  • woman of God
  • woman of letters
  • woman of many parts
  • woman of means
  • women in blue
  • yes all women





WOMEN, persons. In its most enlarged sense, this word signifies all the females of the human species; but in a more restricted sense, it means all such females who have arrived at the age of puberty. Mulieris appellatione etiam virgo viri potens continetur. Dig. 50, 16, 13.
2. Women are either single or married. 1. Single or unmarried women have all the civil rights of men; they may therefore enter into contracts or engagements; sue and be sued; be trustees or guardians, they may be witnesses, and may for that purpose attest all papers; but they are generally, not possessed of any political power; hence they cannot be elected representatives of the people, nor be appointed to the offices of judge, attorney at law, sheriff, constable, or any other office, unless expressly authorized by law; instances occur of their being appointed postmistresses nor can they vote at any election. Woodes. Lect. 31; 4 Inst. 5; but see Callis, Sew. 252; 2 Inst 34; 4 Inst. 311, marg.
3.-2. The existence of a married woman being merged, by a fiction of law, in the being of her husband, she is rendered incapable, during the coverture, of entering into any contract, or of suing or being sued, except she be joined with her husband; and she labors under all the incapacities above mentioned, to which single women are subject. Vide Abortion; Contract; Divorce; Feminine; Foetus; Gender; Incapacity; Man; Marriage; Masculine; Mother; Necessaries; Parties to Actions Parties to Contracts; Pregnancy; Wife.


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