Wood's filter


 [fil´ter] 1. a device for eliminating or separating certain elements, as (a) particles of certain size from a solution, or (b) rays of certain wavelength from a stream of radiant energy.2. to cause such separation or elimination.membrane filter a filter made up of a thin film of collodion, cellulose acetate, or other material, available in a wide range of defined pore sizes, the smaller ones being capable of retaining all the known viruses.Millipore filter trademark for a device used to filter nutrient solutions as they are administered intravenously.vena cava filter (vena caval filter) a filter used in the inferior vena cava to prevent embolism" >pulmonary embolism.Wood's filter a nickel-oxide filter that holds back all but a few violet rays and passes ultraviolet rays of about 365 nm; see also light" >Wood's light.

Wood's filter

An ultraviolet light source used to diagnose some fungal and bacterial skin diseases.See also: filter