

单词 worker



W0221500 (wûr′kər)n.1. a. One who works at a particular occupation or activity: an office worker.b. One who does manual or industrial labor.2. A member of the working class.3. A member of a colony of social insects such as ants, bees, wasps, or termites, usually a sterile or sexually immature female but in termites an individual of either sex, that performs specialized work such as building the nest, collecting and storing food, and feeding other members of the colony.


(ˈwɜːkə) n1. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) a person or thing that works, usually at a specific job: a good worker; a research worker. 2. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) an employee in an organization, as opposed to an employer or manager3. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) a manual labourer or other employee working in a manufacturing or other industry4. (Sociology) any other member of the working class5. (Zoology) a sterile female member of a colony of bees, ants, or wasps that forages for food, cares for the larvae, etc ˈworkerless adj


(ˈwɜr kər)

n. 1. a person or thing that works. 2. a laborer or employee: steel workers. 3. a member of a caste of sexually underdeveloped, nonreproductive bees, ants, wasps, or termites, specialized to collect food and maintain the colony. [1300–50]


(wûr′kər) A member of a colony of social insects, such as ants or bees, that performs specialized work such as building the nest. Workers are usually sterile females.
Noun1.worker - a person who works at a specific occupationworker - a person who works at a specific occupation; "he is a good worker"individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"caster - a worker who casts molten metal into finished productsfinisher - a worker who performs the last step in a manufacturing processassistant, helper, help, supporter - a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "my invaluable assistant"; "they hired additional help to finish the work"beater - a worker who rouses wild game from under cover for a hunterbill poster, bill sticker, poster - someone who pastes up bills or placards on walls or billboardsbleacher - a worker who bleaches (cloth or flour etc.)boatman, waterman, boater - someone who drives or rides in a boatcarter - someone whose work is driving cartscharcoal burner - a worker whose job is to make charcoalaccumulator, collector, gatherer - a person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes)comber - a person who separates and straightens the fibers of cotton or woolcornhusker - a worker who husks corndriver - someone who drives animals that pull a vehicleemployable - a person who is qualified and ready to workemployee - a worker who is hired to perform a jobfree lance, freelance, free-lance, freelancer, self-employed person, independent - a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of themgutter - a worker who guts things (fish or buildings or cars etc.)hanger - a worker who hangs somethinglamplighter - (when gas was used for streetlights) a person who lights and extinguishes streetlightsmelter - a worker who melts substances (metal or wax etc.)moonlighter - a person who holds a second job (usually after hours)mopper - a worker who uses a mop to clean a surfacemuzzler - someone who muzzles animalsnailer - a worker who attaches something by nailing itoiler - a worker who oils engines or machinerypart-timer - someone who works less than the customary or standard timepeeler - a worker who peels the skins from fruits and vegetablesplanter - a worker who puts or sets seeds or seedlings into the groundplier, plyer - someone who plies a tradeprocessor - someone who processes things (foods or photographs or applicants etc.)pruner, trimmer - a worker who thins out and trims trees and shrubs; "untouched by the pruner's axe"dragger, tugger, puller - someone who pulls or tugs or drags in an effort to move somethingquarrier, quarryman - a man who works in a quarryragsorter - a worker who sorts rags and old clothing for new uses (as in papermaking)blackleg, scab, strikebreaker, rat - someone who works (or provides workers) during a strikescrubber - a worker who uses a scrub brush to clean a surface (usually a floor or deck)seasonal, seasonal worker - a worker who finds employment only in certain seasonsservant, retainer - a person working in the service of another (especially in the household)sheller - a worker who removes shells (as of peas or oysters)shelver - a worker who puts things (as books) on shelvesshingler - a worker who shingles roofsshoveler, shoveller - a worker who shovels; "a shoveler of coal"skidder - a worker who uses a skid to move logsskilled worker, skilled workman, trained worker - a worker who has acquired special skillshard worker, striver - one who is industrious and diligent in carrying out tasks or dutiessolderer - a worker who joins or mends with soldersplicer - a worker who splices ropes together by interweaving strandssplitter - a worker who splits fish and removes the backbonestainer - a worker who stains (wood or fabric)stemmer - a worker who makes or applies stems for artificial flowersstringer - a worker who strings; "a stringer of beads"sprigger, stemmer, stripper - a worker who strips the stems from moistened tobacco leaves and binds the leaves together into bookstacker - a worker who fastens things by tacking them (as with tacks or by spotwelding)nonworker - a person who does nothing
2.worker - a member of the working class (not necessarily employed); "workers of the world--unite!"prole, proletarianlabor, labour, proletariat, working class - a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field"common man, common person, commoner - a person who holds no titledogsbody - a worker who has to do all the unpleasant or boring jobs that no one else wants to do
3.worker - sterile member of a colony of social insects that forages for food and cares for the larvaeinsect - small air-breathing arthropodsoldier - a wingless sterile ant or termite having a large head and powerful jaws adapted for defending the colonyworker bee - sterile bee specialized to collect food and maintain the hive
4.worker - a person who acts and gets things doneworker - a person who acts and gets things done; "he's a principal actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a doer"; "he's a miracle worker"doer, actorindividual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"demon - someone extremely diligent or skillful; "he worked like a demon to finish the job on time"; "she's a demon at math"busy bee, eager beaver, live wire, sharpie, sharpy - an alert and energetic personanimator, energiser, energizer, vitaliser, vitalizer - someone who imparts energy and vitality and spirit to other peoplego-getter, whiz-kid, whizz-kid, ball of fire - someone whose career progresses rapidlyman of action, man of deeds - someone inclined to act first and think laterball of fire, human dynamo, powerhouse, fireball - a highly energetic and indefatigable person


noun employee, hand, labourer, workman, craftsman, artisan, tradesman, wage earner, proletarian, working man or working woman Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.Quotations
"The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of all countries unite!" [Marx & Engels The Communist Manifesto]


noun1. One who is employed by another:employee, hireling, jobholder.Informal: hire, hired hand.2. One who labors:hand, laborer, operative, roustabout, working girl, workingman, workingwoman, workman, workwoman.


(wəːk) noun1. effort made in order to achieve or make something. He has done a lot of work on this project 勞動 劳动2. employment. I cannot find work in this town. 工作 工作3. a task or tasks; the thing that one is working on. Please clear your work off the table. 任務,正在處理的事 任务,正在处理的事 4. a painting, book, piece of music etc. the works of Van Gogh / Shakespeare/Mozart; This work was composed in 1816. 作品 著作,作品 5. the product or result of a person's labours. His work has shown a great improvement lately. 個人努力的成果 工作成果6. one's place of employment. He left (his) work at 5.30 p.m.; I don't think I'll go to work tomorrow. 工作場所 工作场所 verb1. to (cause to) make efforts in order to achieve or make something. She works at the factory three days a week; He works his employees very hard; I've been working on/at a new project. 使工作 使工作2. to be employed. Are you working just now? 有工作,受雇 受雇于,从事…工作 3. to (cause to) operate (in the correct way). He has no idea how that machine works / how to work that machine; That machine doesn't/won't work, but this one's working. 運轉,起作用 操作,运转 4. to be practicable and/or successful. If my scheme works, we'll be rich! 行得通,成功 行得通,取得成功 5. to make (one's way) slowly and carefully with effort or difficulty. She worked her way up the rock face. 緩慢而費力地前進 缓慢而费力地前进6. to get into, or put into, a stated condition or position, slowly and gradually. The wheel worked loose. 逐漸緩慢地進入提及的狀態 逐渐地移动到某位置,逐步变�某状态 7. to make by craftsmanship. The ornaments had been worked in gold. 手工製作 加工-work1. (the art of making) goods of a particular material. He learns woodwork at school; This shop sells basketwork. 特定材料製成的物品,其製法 特定材料制成的物品与其制法2. parts of something, eg a building, made of a particular material. The stonework/woodwork/paintwork needs to be renewed. (營造)特定材料製成的部份 (建筑中的)特定材料制成的部份 ˈworkable adjective (of a plan) able to be carried out. 可行的 可行的ˈworker noun1. a person who works or who is employed in an office, a factory etc. office-workers; car-workers. 員工 员工2. a manual worker rather than an office-worker etc. 勞工 劳工3. a person who works (hard etc). He's a slow/hard worker. 工作者 工作者works noun singular or plural a factory etc. The steelworks is/are closed for the holidays. 工廠 工厂 noun plural1. the mechanism (of a watch, clock etc). The works are all rusted. (鐘錶等)運轉機構,活動構件 (机器等的)活动部件,机件 2. deeds, actions etc. She's devoted her life to good works. 行動 行动,实际工作 ˈwork-basket, ˈwork-boxetc nouns a basket, box etc for holding thread, needlework etc. 針線籃或盒 针线筐ˈworkbook noun a book of exercises usually with spaces for answers. 練習簿 练习册ˈworkforce noun the number of workers (available for work) in a particular industry, factory etc. 人力 劳动力working class the section of society who work with their hands, doing manual labour. 勞工階級 劳动阶级,工人阶级 working day, ˈwork-day nouns1. a day on which one goes to work, and is not on holiday. 工作天 工作日2. the period of actual labour in a normal day at work. My working day is eight hours long. 一天的工作時間 一天的工作时间working hours the times of day between which one is at work. Normal working hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 工作時間 工作时间ˈworking-party, ˈwork-party nouns a group of people gathered together (usually voluntarily) to perform a particular physical task. They organized a work-party to clear the canal of weeds. 工作隊 工作队working week the five days from Monday to Friday inclusive when people go to work. 週一到週五每週工作天 工作周(周一到周五工作日) ˈworkman noun a man who does manual work. the workmen on a building site. 工人 工人ˈworkmanlike adjective1. suitable to a good workman. a workmanlike attitude. 好工人應有的 好工人应有的2. well performed. a workmanlike job. 技術嫻熟的 有技巧的,工作熟练的 ˈworkmanship noun the skill of a qualified workman; skill in making things. (精湛)手藝 技艺,手艺 ˈworkmate noun one of the people who work in the same place of employment as oneself. Her workmates teased her about being the boss's favourite. 同事 一起工作的人,同事,工友 ˈworkout noun a period of hard physical exercise for the purpose of keeping fit etc. 健身 体育锻练ˈworkshop noun1. a room or building, especially in a factory etc where construction and repairs are carried out. 工廠內作業室或修理間 车间,工作坊 2. a course of experimental work for a group of people on a particular project. 研討會 专题讨论会,讲习班,研究会 at work working. He's writing a novel and he likes to be at work (on it) by eight o'clock every morning. 工作中 工作中get/set to work to start work. Could you get to work painting that ceiling?; I'll have to set to work on this mending this evening. 開始工作 开始工作go to work on to begin work on. We're thinking of going to work on an extension to the house. 著手處理或做 开始去做…have one's work cut out to be faced with a difficult task. You'll have your work cut out to beat the champion. 面對艱鉅任務 面临艰巨工作in working order (of a machine etc) operating correctly. (機器等)正常運作 (機器等)处于正常运转状态,能正常发挥功能 out of work having no employment. He's been out of work for months. 失業 失业work of art a painting, sculpture etc. 藝術品 工艺品work off to get rid of (something unwanted or unpleasant) by taking physical exercise etc. He worked off his anger by running round the garden six times. 消去 排除work out1. to solve or calculate correctly. I can't work out how many should be left. 正確推理或算出 计算出2. to come to a satisfactory end. Don't worry – it will all work out (in the end). 有好結果 可以解决3. to perform physical exercises. 鍛鍊身體 体育锻练work up1. to excite or rouse gradually. She worked herself up into a fury. (adjective ˌworked-ˈup: Don't get so worked-up!). 使激動 逐步引起2. to raise or create. I just can't work up any energy/appetite/enthusiasm today. 激起 激起work up to to progress towards and prepare for. Work up to the difficult exercises gradually. 逐步發展 逐步发展work wonders to produce marvellous results. These pills have worked wonders on my rheumatism. 產生驚人效果 取得惊人的效果




bad workers always blame their tools

If someone performs a job or task poorly or unsuccessfully, they will usually lay the blame on the quality of their equipment, or other such external factors, rather than take responsibility for their own failure. The football player blamed the overinflated ball for costing his team the game, but as they say, bad workers always blame their tools.See also: always, bad, blame, tool, worker

a fast worker

One who is able to navigate a complicated, nuanced, or difficult situation in order to gain an advantage for themselves. A figurative use of the phrase's literal meaning, "one who is able to work quickly." Promoted to manager in less than half a year? My, he's a fast worker, isn't he? But the actress is a fast worker, deftly maneuvering through the more emotionally charged material to give her character an immediate presence in the film.See also: fast, worker

black-collar worker

Someone who tends to wear black clothing and, typically, is employed in a creative field. The term is formed on the model of "blue-collar" and "white-collar." Honestly, the black-collar workers employed by that designer really intimidate me—they just seem so cool!See also: worker

a fast ˈworker

(informal) a person who wastes no time in gaining an advantage, especially a person who can quickly gain somebody’s affection: She’s a fast worker! She’s only been here a few days and already the boss has invited her for dinner!See also: fast, worker

black-collar workers

n. people, usually affected, who wear black all the time. (Contrived. A play on white-collar and blue-collar workers.) I hate to go over to the gallery. It’s filled with black-collar workers. Reminds me of the Adams Family. See also: worker



a sterile female member of a colony of bees, ants, or wasps that forages for food, cares for the larvae, etc.


[′wər·kər] (invertebrate zoology) One of the neuter, usually sterile individuals making up a caste of social insects, such as ants, termites, or bees, which labor for the colony.



 [wer´ker] an employed person.social worker a professional trained in the treatment of psychosocial problems of patients and their families; see also social worker.


Related to worker: Workers Compensation insurance, thesaurus


the beneficiary of much modern legislation, sometimes in capacity as an employee under a contract of employment but also under separate regimes such as the wages legislation. In the law of the EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, the worker is the subject of many legal provisions. See FREE MOVEMENT OF PERSONS.



An employee or one engaged in an activity that makes money. In left-wing circles, the word especially refers to employees who earn wages (as opposed to salaries) and/or those in blue collar professions.


a person employed by an organization to perform a JOB or work tasks either on a paid basis (as an employee) or on an unpaid basis (as, for example, a charity worker).

Traditionally, paid employees have been categorized into two groups of workers:

  1. manual workers, i.e. those working mainly with their hands. Although manual workers may be engaged in service occupations such as pavement sweeping, the dominant image of the manual worker is that of an employee engaged in production in a factory Often these workers are referred to as blue-collar workers because their physical working environment is such that (blue) overalls are necessary;
  2. non-manual workers, i.e. those who can be said to work with their heads rather than their hands, providing administrative services rather than directly creating material goods. As with manual workers, the term is somewhat artificial: some non-manual employees, typists for example, require considerable manual dexterity White-collar worker is an alternative term in common use, though it tends to be applied mainly to clerical rather than managerial or PROFESSIONAL employees. White-collar workers are so called because their apparently favourable working environment makes a light-coloured shirt or blouse practical work wear, and because smart clothing is often viewed as appropriate dress for work of this type and status. In sociology ‘black-coated worker’ has also been used to refer to clerical workers because a sober, dark jacket similarly has been seen as essential work wear.

Although these categorizations are somewhat imprecise in terms of the type of work performed, there is often a clear difference in the conditions of employment (see CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT) associated with each. Those workers classed as non-manual tend to have more favourable conditions (for example, better holiday entitlements) than manual workers (see STAFF STATUS).

The difference in working conditions between the two groups has been thought in the past to give rise to two distinct sets of attitudes. Manual workers were thought to subscribe to COLLECTIVISM and to a confrontational view of their relationship with their employer, whilst non-manual workers were thought to be more individualist (see INDIVIDUALISM) in their attitudes and to adopt a deferential approach to their managers. Though always an oversimplification, the picture has become more complex in recent years with the apparent spread of individualism amongst manual workers and the growth of highly repetitive, routinized clerical work, leading, some say to the ‘proletarianization of white-collar work.

Probably the most widespread popular image of the worker is that of a male employee employed in factory work. However, this image is now a long way out of step with reality. Only 25% of the UK labour force are now employed in manufacturing, with a corresponding growth in services in recent years. In addition, there has been a large increase in the number of women workers, with the result that nearly half of the employed force is female. In the UK, the employment of males in full-time manufacturing jobs has been steadily replaced by the employment of females in PART-TIME, service sector jobs. See DISCRIMINATION, ORIENTATION TO WORK, TEMPORARY WORK, WHITE-COLLAR UNION.


Related to worker: Workers Compensation insurance, thesaurus
  • noun

Synonyms for worker

noun employee


  • employee
  • hand
  • labourer
  • workman
  • craftsman
  • artisan
  • tradesman
  • wage earner
  • proletarian
  • working man or working woman

Synonyms for worker

noun one who is employed by another


  • employee
  • hireling
  • jobholder
  • hire
  • hired hand

noun one who labors


  • hand
  • laborer
  • operative
  • roustabout
  • working girl
  • workingman
  • workingwoman
  • workman
  • workwoman

Synonyms for worker

noun a person who works at a specific occupation

Related Words

  • individual
  • mortal
  • person
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul
  • caster
  • finisher
  • assistant
  • helper
  • help
  • supporter
  • beater
  • bill poster
  • bill sticker
  • poster
  • bleacher
  • boatman
  • waterman
  • boater
  • carter
  • charcoal burner
  • accumulator
  • collector
  • gatherer
  • comber
  • cornhusker
  • driver
  • employable
  • employee
  • free lance
  • freelance
  • free-lance
  • freelancer
  • self-employed person
  • independent
  • gutter
  • hanger
  • lamplighter
  • melter
  • moonlighter
  • mopper
  • muzzler
  • nailer
  • oiler
  • part-timer
  • peeler
  • planter
  • plier
  • plyer
  • processor
  • pruner
  • trimmer
  • dragger
  • tugger
  • puller
  • quarrier
  • quarryman
  • ragsorter
  • blackleg
  • scab
  • strikebreaker
  • rat
  • scrubber
  • seasonal
  • seasonal worker
  • servant
  • retainer
  • sheller
  • shelver
  • shingler
  • shoveler
  • shoveller
  • skidder
  • skilled worker
  • skilled workman
  • trained worker
  • hard worker
  • striver
  • solderer
  • splicer
  • splitter
  • stainer
  • stemmer
  • stringer
  • sprigger
  • stripper
  • tacker
  • tapper
  • teaser
  • temp
  • temporary
  • temporary worker
  • toiler
  • thrower
  • throwster
  • tier up
  • tier
  • tiler
  • topper
  • trade unionist
  • union member
  • unionist
  • twiner
  • unpaid worker
  • volunteer
  • wallah
  • washer
  • winder
  • wiper
  • working girl
  • workmate


  • nonworker

noun a member of the working class (not necessarily employed)


  • prole
  • proletarian

Related Words

  • labor
  • labour
  • proletariat
  • working class
  • common man
  • common person
  • commoner
  • dogsbody

noun sterile member of a colony of social insects that forages for food and cares for the larvae

Related Words

  • insect
  • soldier
  • worker bee

noun a person who acts and gets things done


  • doer
  • actor

Related Words

  • individual
  • mortal
  • person
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul
  • demon
  • busy bee
  • eager beaver
  • live wire
  • sharpie
  • sharpy
  • animator
  • energiser
  • energizer
  • vitaliser
  • vitalizer
  • go-getter
  • whiz-kid
  • whizz-kid
  • ball of fire
  • man of action
  • man of deeds
  • human dynamo
  • powerhouse
  • fireball




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