Working Formulation for Clinical Usage

Work·ing Form·u·la·tion for Clin·i·cal Us·age (WF),

(werk'ing fōrm'yū-lā'shŭn klin'i-kăl yūs'ij), Classification of malignant lymphomas introduced by the National Cancer Institute in 1982, based on the correlation of clinical and histopathologic features of various lymphomas.

Work·ing Form·u·la·tion for Clin·i·cal Us·age

(WF) (wŏrk'ing for'myū-lā'shŭn klin'i-kăl yū'săj) Classification of malignant lymphomas introduced by the National Cancer Institute in 1982, based on the correlation of clinical and histopathologic features of various lymphomas; widely used in clinical practice.