Work Position
Work Position
the area equipped for a worker or group of workers to perform a production task; it is the primary component in an enterprise. A work position includes basic and auxiliary production equipment, such as machine tools, mechanisms, assemblies, facilities that ensure work safety, protective devices that improve the health conditions, power units, and supply lines. It also includes industrial and office equipment, such as adjusting devices, tools, monitoring and measuring instruments, desks, workbenches, tool racks, shelves, cabinets, and chairs.
A distinction is made between work positions for chief, assistant, and service workers, for engineers and technicians, and for administrators and management personnel. The organization of a work position is closely correlated with the organization of the work and production of the enterprise. Improvements in a work position are aimed at creating physical working conditions that ensure increased productivity, promote the preservation of health, and develop the worker as an individual. In designing a work position, consideration is given to anthropometric data, the results of scientific labor organization, recommendations from the fields of psychology, physiology, and hygiene, and the requirements of ergonomics, engineering psychology, and technical aesthetics.
Osnovy nauchnoi organizatsii truda. Moscow, 1971.Psikhofiziologicheskie i esteticheskie osnovy NOT, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1971.