World Champion Bathtub Race

World Champion Bathtub Race

Fourth Sunday of JulyIn 1967, the British Columbian city of Nanaimo decided to mark its centennial anniversary with a race in its Nanaimo Harbor. Thus was born the International World Championship Bathtub Race, the main event of the four-day Nanaimo Marine Festival.
The 36-mile race features homemade entries that have the shape and design of a tub and run on a boat motor that does not exceed eight horsepower. The original 1967 race featuring the first 200 "tubbers" posed some dangers, convincing organizers of the need for formal rules and safety precautions. Today's racers must follow all guidelines and their craft must meet certain specifications that have been established by the Loyal Nanaimo Bathtub Society.
Nanaimo's businesses participate by having their own "Bathtub Spirit" competition, which involves decorating their workplaces in the Marine Festival theme. Other festival events include a Sail Past on Wheels Fun Parade, a "Kiddies Karnival," and a fireworks show.
Loyal Nanaimo Bathtub Society
373 Franklyn St.
Nanaimo, BC V9R 2X5 Canada