

单词 worthless



W0231400 (wûrth′lĭs)adj.1. Lacking worth; of no use or value.2. Low; despicable: that worthless friend of his.
worth′less·ly adv.worth′less·ness n.


(ˈwɜːθlɪs) adj1. without practical value or usefulness2. without merit; good-for-nothing ˈworthlessly adv ˈworthlessness n


(ˈwɜrθ lɪs)

adj. without worth; of no use, importance, or value. [1580–90] worth′less•ly, adv. worth′less•ness, n.
Adj.1.worthless - lacking in usefulness or value; "a worthless idler"unworthy - lacking in value or merit; "dispel a student whose conduct is deemed unworthy"; "unworthy of forgiveness"valuable - having great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange; "a valuable diamond"
2.worthless - morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them"; "a slimy little liar"despicable, vile, slimy, ugly, unworthy, wretchedevil - morally bad or wrong; "evil purposes"; "an evil influence"; "evil deeds"


adjective1. valueless, poor, miserable, trivial, trifling, paltry, trashy, measly, wretched, two a penny (informal), rubbishy, poxy (slang), nickel-and-dime (U.S. slang), wanky (taboo slang), a dime a dozen, nugatory, chickenshit (U.S. slang), negligible This piece of old junk is totally worthless.
valueless valuable, precious, profitable
2. useless, meaningless, pointless, futile, no use, insignificant, unimportant, ineffectual, unusable, unavailing, not much cop (Brit. slang), inutile, not worth a hill of beans (chiefly U.S.), negligible, pants (slang) Training is worthless unless there is proof that it works.
useless important, significant, effective, useful, valuable, profitable, productive, worthwhile, fruitful, consequential
3. good-for-nothing, base, abandoned, useless, vile, abject, despicable, depraved, contemptible, ignoble Murphy was an evil, worthless man.
good-for-nothing decent, worthy, noble, upright, honourable


adjective1. Lacking all worth and value:drossy, good-for-nothing, inutile, no-good, valueless.Informal: no-account.Slang: nothing.2. Having no useful purpose:ineffectual, inutile, unusable, useless.


(wəːθ) noun value. These books are of little or no worth; She sold fifty dollars' worth of tickets. 價值 价值,意义 adjective1. equal in value to. Each of these stamps is worth a cent. 值... 价值…,值…钱 2. good enough for. His suggestion is worth considering: The exhibition is well worth a visit. 值得... 值得...ˈworthless adjective of no value. worthless old coins. 無價值的,無用的 无价值的,没有用处的 ˈworthlessly adverb 無價值地,無用地 无价值地,无用地 ˈworthlessness noun 無價值,無用 无价值,无用 ˈworthy (-ði) adjective1. good and deserving. I willingly give money to a worthy cause. 值得的 值得的2. (with of) deserving. She was not worthy of the honour given to her. 配得上的 配得上的3. (with of) typical of, suited to, or in keeping with. a performance worthy of a champion. 相稱的 相称的4. of great enough importance etc. She was not thought worthy to be presented to the king. 極其重要的 极其重要的 nounplural ˈworthies a highly respected person. 知名人土 知名人土ˈworthily adverb 值得地,相配地 配得上地ˈworthiness noun 有價值 有价值-worthy1. deserving; fit for. a blameworthy act. 值得...的 值得…的2. fit for its appropriate use. a seaworthy ship. 適用於...的 适于...的worthˈwhile adjective deserving attention, time and effort etc. a worthwhile cause; It isn't worthwhile to ask him – he'll only refuse. 值得(注意、花時間和力氣)的 值得(花时间或精力)的 for all one is worth using all one's efforts, strength etc. He swam for all he was worth towards the shore. 使盡全力 皆尽全力





Describing anything with no substantial value. For example, a stock certificate in a company that has gone bankrupt is almost always worthless.


  • adj

Synonyms for worthless

adj valueless


  • valueless
  • poor
  • miserable
  • trivial
  • trifling
  • paltry
  • trashy
  • measly
  • wretched
  • two a penny
  • rubbishy
  • poxy
  • nickel-and-dime
  • wanky
  • a dime a dozen
  • nugatory
  • chickenshit
  • negligible


  • valuable
  • precious
  • profitable

adj useless


  • useless
  • meaningless
  • pointless
  • futile
  • no use
  • insignificant
  • unimportant
  • ineffectual
  • unusable
  • unavailing
  • not much cop
  • inutile
  • not worth a hill of beans
  • negligible
  • pants


  • important
  • significant
  • effective
  • useful
  • valuable
  • profitable
  • productive
  • worthwhile
  • fruitful
  • consequential

adj good-for-nothing


  • good-for-nothing
  • base
  • abandoned
  • useless
  • vile
  • abject
  • despicable
  • depraved
  • contemptible
  • ignoble


  • decent
  • worthy
  • noble
  • upright
  • honourable

Synonyms for worthless

adj lacking all worth and value


  • drossy
  • good-for-nothing
  • inutile
  • no-good
  • valueless
  • no-account
  • nothing

adj having no useful purpose


  • ineffectual
  • inutile
  • unusable
  • useless

Synonyms for worthless

adj lacking in usefulness or value

Related Words

  • unworthy


  • valuable

adj morally reprehensible


  • despicable
  • vile
  • slimy
  • ugly
  • unworthy
  • wretched

Related Words

  • evil




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