wringer injury

A lesion once seen in children who fed clothes into—or played with—electrically driven laundry wringers and literally got ‘caught up’ in their work; similar injuries occur in industrial accidents—e.g., in hot rollers in a printing press or in rotating farm equipment. Wringer injuries may be accompanied by thermal injury, extensive crushing and ‘dirty’ infections—e.g., Clostridium spp contamination

wringer injury

A lesion once seen in children feeding clothes into or playing with an electrically driven laundry wringer, who literally got 'caught up' in the work Clinical Crushing of hand & upper extremity, friction burns at points of ↑ diameters–eg, metacarpophalangeal joints, thenar and base of hand, elbow and shoulder, neurapraxia, edema, lacerations, hematomas, fractures and potentially complete avulsion of a hand or arm; similar injuries may occur in industrial accidents–eg, in hot rollers in a printing press or in rotating farm equipment; WIs may be accompanied by thermal injury, extensive crushing and soil-related infection–eg,.Clostridium spp contamination