Acronym | Definition |
WSCP➣Water-Soluble Chlorophyll Protein (plant physiology) |
WSCP➣White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy |
WSCP➣World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (database; Royal Botanic Gardens) |
WSCP➣Wireless Service Control Point |
WSCP➣Warfighting and Support Capability Plan (US Navy) |
WSCP➣Water Supply Contingency Plan (various locations) |
WSCP➣Worksite Smoking Cessation Program (various locations) |
WSCP➣Wall Street Creative Partners (hedge fund; New York, NY) |
WSCP➣Word-Stem Completion Priming (cognitive processing test) |
WSCP➣Water-Soluble Chelating Polymer/Ultrafiltration |