Acronym | Definition |
WSW➣Wet Sociale Werkvoorziening (Dutch: Sheltered Employment Act) |
WSW➣Word Star for Windows |
WSW➣Women Who Have Sex with Women (medical/public health) |
WSW➣Wall Street Webcasting (New York, NY) |
WSW➣West-South-West |
WSW➣Women Seeking Women |
WSW➣Winter Storm Warning |
WSW➣Weber Shandwick Worldwide (Interpublic Group) |
WSW➣Women's Studio Workshop (Rosendale, NY) |
WSW➣World Socialist Website |
WSW➣Wall Street Week |
WSW➣White Side Wall (tire type) |
WSW➣Wheelchair Sports Worldwide |
WSW➣Women's Soccer World |
WSW➣Wheeled Seated Walker |
WSW➣World Stars of Wrestling (wrestling forum) |
WSW➣Websphere Studio Workbench |
WSW➣Western Spring and Wire, Ltd (St George, ON, Canada) |
WSW➣Want Some Weather |
WSW➣Weapon System Warranty |
WSW➣Walker Smith and Way (UK solicitors) |
WSW➣Westchester Symphonic Winds (White Plains, NY) |
WSW➣Woman Sexual Workers (medical/clinical) |
WSW➣Windsor Sports Weekend (Canada) |