

W5257750 (wo͞o′shyä′)n. A genre of Chinese fiction or other narrative work characterized by chivalrous heroes, martial arts, swordplay, and sometimes elements of fantasy, often in a historical setting.
[Mandarin wǔxiá : , military, martial (from Middle Chinese ʋuə̆´, from Old Chinese *m(r)aʔ; akin to Tibetan dmag, army, and Burmese mak, soldier) + xiá, chivalrous hero, knight errant (from Middle Chinese xɦjiap, from Old Chinese *gêp).]


(ˈwuːˌʃiːˈɑː) n1. (Film) a genre of Chinese fiction and film, concerning the adventures of sword-wielding chivalrous heroes2. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a genre of Chinese fiction and film, concerning the adventures of sword-wielding chivalrous heroes[from Chinese: martial-chivalric]