Wye Island Natural Resources Management Area

Wye Island Natural Resources Management Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Maryland
Location:In Queen Anne's County, 5 miles south of US 50 via Carmichael Road in Queenstown.
Facilities:3 primitive group campsites for youth and adult group camping, rental conference lodge, multi-use trails.
Activities:Hiking, wildlife viewing, horseback riding, bicycling, primitive groupcamping, boating (no launch facilities), fishing, hunting.
Special Features:Located in the tidal recesses of the Chesapeake Bay between the WyeRiver and the Wye East River, the area provides habitat for winteringwaterfowl populations and other native wildlife. A holly tree that canbe seen along one of the trails is more than 275 years old.
Address:632 Wye Island Rd
Queenstown, MD 21658

Web: www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/eastern/wyeisland.html
Size: 2,800 acres.

See other parks in Maryland.