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DictionarySeeacidxanthurenic acid
xanthurenic acid[¦zan·thyə¦ren·ik ′as·əd] (biochemistry) C10H7NO4 Sulfur yellow crystals with a melting point of 286°C; soluble in aqueous alkali hydroxides and carbonates; excreted by pyridoxine-deficient animals after ingestion of tryptophan. xanthurenic acid
xanthurenic acid [zan″thu-ren´ik] a metabolite of l-tryptophan" >tryptophan, present in normal urine and in increased amounts in vitamin B6 deficiency.xan·thu·ren·ic ac·id (zan'thū-rēn'ik as'id), C10H7NO4; This compound a metabolic product resulting from indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) breakdown of tryptophan, may accumulate in human lens cells and play a role in senile-onset lens pathology, leading to lens cell apoptosis. Excreted in the urine of pyridoxine-deficient animals after the ingestion of tryptophan, and of rats fed almost exclusively with fibrin, the sulfur-yellow crystals form a red compound with Millon reagent, or an intensely green one with ferrous sulfate. |