XO syndrome

Tur·ner syn·drome

(tŭr'nĕr), a syndrome with chromosome count 45 and only one X chromosome; buccal and other cells are usually sex chromatin-negative; anomalies include dwarfism, webbed neck, valgus of elbows, pigeon chest, infantile sexual development, and amenorrhea; the ovary has no primordial follicles and may be represented only by a fibrous streak; some affected people are chromosomal mosaic, with two or more cell lines of different chromosome constitution; seen in many animal species, in the meadow vole it is the normal female state. Synonym(s): XO syndrome

Tur·ner syn·drome

(tŭr'nĕr), a syndrome with chromosome count 45 and only one X chromosome; buccal and other cells are usually sex chromatin-negative; anomalies include dwarfism, webbed neck, valgus of elbows, pigeon chest, infantile sexual development, and amenorrhea; the ovary has no primordial follicles and may be represented only by a fibrous streak; some affected people are chromosomal mosaic, with two or more cell lines of different chromosome constitution; seen in many animal species, in the meadow vole it is the normal female state. Synonym(s): XO syndrome

XO syndrome

Turner's syndrome, see there.

Turn·er syn·drome

(tŭr'nĕr sin'drōm) A syndrome with chromosome count 45 and only one X chromosome; buccal and other cells usually test negative for sex chromatin; anomalies include dwarfism, webbed neck, valgus of elbows, pigeon chest, infantile sexual development, and amenorrhea; the ovary has no primordial follicles and may be represented only by a fibrous streak; some patients are chromosomally mosaic, with two or more cell lines of different chromosome constitution; seen in many animal species; in the meadow vole, it is the normal female state.
Synonym(s): XO syndrome.


Henry H., U.S. endocrinologist, 1892-1970. Turner syndrome - a syndrome with chromosome count 45 and only one X chromosome. Synonym(s): XO syndrome

Turn·er syn·drome

(tŭr'nĕr sin'drōm) A syndrome with chromosome count 45 and only one X chromosome; buccal and other cells usually test negative for sex chromatin; anomalies include dwarfism, webbed neck, valgus of elbows, pigeon chest, infantile sexual development, and amenorrhea.
Synonym(s): XO syndrome.