

Y0006500 (yăp)v. yapped, yap·ping, yaps v.intr.1. To bark sharply or shrilly; yelp.2. Slang To talk noisily or stupidly; jabber.v.tr. To utter by yapping.n.1. A sharp, shrill bark; a yelp.2. Slang Noisy, stupid talk; jabber.3. Slang The mouth: Shut your yap.4. Slang A stupid, crude, or loud person.
[Probably imitative.]
yap′per n.


Y0006500 (yăp, yäp) An island group and state of the Federated States of Micronesia in the western Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean. Part of a Japanese mandate after 1920, it fell to US forces in 1945. Yap is noted for the large stone disks traditionally used as money by the native population.


(ˈjæpɪŋ) adj1. yelping; barking2. informal censorious talking in an annoying mannern3. yelping; barking4. informal censorious persistent, annoying talk