Yellow Bluff Fort Historic State Park

Yellow Bluff Fort Historic State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Florida
Location:On Yellow Bluff peninsula on the north side of the Saint Johns River (on New Berlin Road).
Facilities:Historic site, picnic tables.
Special Features:Located near the mouth of the Saint Johns River, this sitewas an important military position during the Civil War because itallowed access to the inland areas of Florida's east coast. Thoughthere never was an actual fort on Yellow Bluff, an encampmentconstructed here in 1862 was fortified and equipped with large guns.The site was occupied by both Confederate and Union troops during thewar and at its peak housed more than 250 soldiers.
Address:12157 Heckscher Dr
Jacksonville, FL 32226

Size: Nearly 2 acres.

See other parks in Florida.