Yom ha-Zikkaron

Yom ha-Zikkaron

Between April 15 and May 13; Iyyar 4In Israel, the Day of Remembrance honors those who died fighting for the establishment of the Israeli state. It is observed on the day preceding Yom ha-Atzma'ut, or Israel Independence Day. During Shaharit (the morning service), a candle is lit in memory of fallen soldiers, the ark is opened, and Psalm 9, "Over the death of the son," is recited. This is followed by a prayer for the war dead and other prayers for lost relatives. The service concludes with a reading of Psalm 114.
At the end of the day, sirens are sounded and a few minutes of silence are observed throughout Israel. At sundown, Yom ha-Atzma'ut begins and the mood shifts to one of celebration.
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
11 Broadway
New York, NY 10004
212-563-4000; fax: 212-564-9058