accessory lacrimal glands

ac·ces·so·ry lac·ri·mal glands

[TA] small, compound, branched, tubular glands located sometimes in the middle part of the lid (Wolfring glands, 1872, or Ciaccio glands, 1874) or along the superior and inferior fornices of the conjunctival sac (Krause glands, 1854). These accessory glands are ectopic portions of the lacrimal gland tissue; all produce the same kind of tears, secreting onto the conjunctival surface. Henle and Baumgarten "glands" are in fact not glands at all, but mere epithelial invaginations. Synonym(s): glandulae lacrimales accessoriae [TA]


Giuseppe V., Italian anatomist, 1824-1901. Ciaccio glands - Synonym(s): accessory lacrimal glands

ac·ces·so·ry lac·ri·mal glands

(ak-sesŏr-ē lakri-măl glandz) [TA] Small, compound, branched, tubular glands located sometimes in the middle part of the lid or along the superior and inferior fornices of the conjunctival sac. These accessory glands are ectopic portions of the lacrimal gland tissue; all produce the same kind of tears, secreting onto the conjunctival surface.