accessory meningeal artery

pterygomeningeal artery

[TA] origin: maxillary or middle meningeal artery; distribution: traverses foramen ovale to enter cranial cavity, where it supplies the trigeminal ganglion, dura mater, and bone of the floor of the middle cranial fossa; however, its main distribution is extracranially to the pterygoid and tensor tympani muscles, the sphenoid bone, and the mandibular nerves and its otic gangion. Synonym(s): arteria pterygomeningealis [TA], accessory meningeal artery, accessory meningeal branch, ramus meningeus accessorius

accessory meningeal artery

The fourth branch of the first segment of the maxillary artery. It enters the cranial cavity through the foramen ovale. See also: artery