Acronym | Definition |
YPD➣Yeast Peptone Dextrose (media for growing yeast) |
YPD➣Young Professionals Division (various organizations) |
YPD➣Yorktown Police Department (Yorktown Heights, NY) |
YPD➣Yonkers Police Department |
YPD➣Young People's Division |
YPD➣Young Physically Disabled (UK social services) |
YPD➣Floating Pile Driver (Non Self-Propelled) |
YPD➣Youngstown Police Department (Ohio, USA) |
YPD➣Young People and Children's Division |
YPD➣Yellow Page Directory |
YPD➣District Floating Pile Driver (US Navy) |
YPD➣Yacht and Powercraft Design |
YPD➣Young Pilton Derry (Scotland street gang) |