accessory phrenic nerves

ac·ces·so·ry phren·ic nerves

[TA] accessory nerve strands that arise from the fifth cervical nerve, often as branches of the nerve to the subclavius, passing downward to join the phrenic nerve. Synonym(s): nervi phrenici accessorii [TA]

ac·ces·so·ry phren·ic nerves

(ak-ses'ŏr-ē fren'ik nĕrvz) [TA] Accessory nerve strands that arise from the fifth cervical nerve, often as branches of the nerve to the subclavius, passing downward to join the phrenic nerve.
Synonym(s): nervi phrenici accessorii [TA] .

ac·ces·so·ry phren·ic nerves

(ak-ses'ŏr-ē fren'ik nĕrvz) [TA] Accessory nerve strands that arise from the fifth cervical nerve, often as branches of the nerve to the subclavius, passing downward to join the phrenic nerve.