[an″te-ko-les″ter-e´mik]Patient discussion about anticholesteremic
Q. Does wight loss lowers cholesterol? I'm 5'5, 175 lbs, 40 years-old man. After my doctor found that I have high LDL cholesterol, I was advised to try to lower my weight in order to reduce my cholesterol levels. Otherwise I'll have to start taking medications. Can it really do something? As far as I know, cholesterol level are pretty much a genetic thing, and one can be very thin but still have high cholesterol levels.
Q. Can omega-3 make my cholesterol lower? My doctor told me that I have too much cholesterol in my blood, and that it can cause heart attack or stroke, but if I keep it low than my risk will be lower. He told me that because it’s not that high level I can try to change my diet before I have to start taking medication. I heard that omega-3 can make my cholesterol level low. Is that true? Do I have to take it in pills? Is it safe?
Q. Are there any herbal plants to lower bad cholesterol? I want some advice. My son has high bad cholesterol. I am not comfortable in giving him meds but keen in knowing about herbal meds. Are there any herbal plants to lower bad cholesterol? I want some advice.