Zagorsk Chickens
Zagorsk Chickens
a breed of meat and egg-laying chickens. They are bred in the All-Union Institute of Poultry Raising in Zagorsk by crossing lurlov loud-voiced chickens with Russian Whites, New Hampshires, and Rhode Island Reds. Zagorsk chickens are fleshy. There are two varieties, distinguished by color of feathers and shape of comb: white with a rose comb and salmon with a leaf-shaped comb. The hens weigh about 3 kg and the roosters 3.5 kg. The egg yield is 150-165 a year (180-200 on the better farms). The eggs weigh 62-65 g. The dressing yield is about 88 percent. Female Zagorsk chickens are used in crossbreeding for the production of broilers and to create meat-producing strains.