Zaimes, Alexander

Zaimes, Alexander


(Alexandras). Born Oct. 28, 1855, in Athens; died Sept. 15, 1936, in Vienna. Greek statesman.

Zaimes came from an aristocratic family and received a legal education in Germany and France. A director of the National Bank of Greece in 1896 and from 1914 to 1920, Zaimes had close ties with banking circles of London, Paris, and Berlin. Zaimes was prime minister from 1897 to 1899, from 1901 to 1902, from 1915 to 1917 (with interruptions), and from 1926 to 1928; he was president of Greece from 1929 to 1935. He helped monarchical-fascist elements whose coup d’etat in October 1935 led to a restoration of the monarchy.