Zakir Mukhamedzhanov

Mukhamedzhanov, Zakir


Born Jan. 1, 1921, in Tashkent. Soviet Uzbek actor. People’s Artist of the USSR (1977). Member of the CPSU since 1951.

Mukhamedzhanov graduated from the A. N. Ostrovskii Tashkent Institute of Theater Arts in 1949. He joined the Khamza Uzbek Drama Theater in Tashkent in 1938. His roles have included Ferdinand in Schiller’s Love and Intrigue and the title roles in Avezov and Khodzhaev’s Furkat and lashen and Umari’s Khamza. He has portrayed V. I. Lenin in productions of Sha-trov’s The Sixth of July and lashen’s Guiding Star and Dawn of the Revolution. He has also portrayed L. I. Brezhnev in Sofro-nov’s The Highest Wave and Salvador Allende in Chichkov’s I Believe in Chile. His motion picture credits include General Rakhimov, Possessed, and Years Near and Far.

Mukhamedzhanov received the State Prize of the USSR in 1977 and has been awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and various medals.