a type of bondage in ancient Rus\\ According to Russkaia Pravda the zakupy received the implements of production from the feudal lord and were required to work on his fields but also had their own farm.Zakupy could buy their freedom by paying off their loans (kupy) to their lords. The zakupy, unlike slaves (kholopy), could not be killed; they could leave their feudal lord to work for wages and could take grievances against their master to court. If they attempted to escape, they could be made slaves, but if they were treated as such without any legal grounds they could be released from debt and granted their freedom. In the Grand Principality of Lithuania between the 14th and the 16th centuries zakupy were debtors who were forced to work on the lords’ lands as serfs until they paid off their debt.
Grekov, B. D.Kievskaia Rus’. Moscow, 1953. Pages 195–210.Smirnov, I. I.Ocherki politicheskoi istorii russkogo gosudarstva 30-kh-50-kh gg. XVI v. Moscow-Leningrad, 1958.