Zaleman, Karl Germanovich
Zaleman, Karl Germanovich
Born Dec. 28, 1849 (Jan. 9, 1850), in Tallinn; died Nov. 30 (Dec. 13), 1916, in Petrograd. Russian philologist and Iranologist; academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1895); director of the Asiatic Museum of the Academy of Sciences (from 1890).
Zaleman’s works are devoted to Persian philology and re-search on the middle Iranian languages—Pahlavi and Sogdian (A Persian Grammar, in German, 1889; A Short Grammar of Modern Persian, 1890, both in collaboration with V. A. Zhukovskii; and Middle Persian, 1902). Zaleman made a great contribution to the study of Ossetic and the languages of the Pamiri (Shughni and Yaghnobi). He published texts (with commentaries) found at the beginning of the 20th century on the territory of Sinkiang (the series Manichaean Studies, 1908).