Zamoskovnyi Krai

Zamoskovnyi Krai


the name of the territory belonging to the Russian state that encompassed mainly the ancient Rostov-Suzdal domain—in the basin of the Upper Volga along the left bank of the Oka and its left tributaries (Moskva, Kliaz’ma, and other rivers). The term “Zamoskovnyi Krai” was used in official documents of the 16th and 17th centuries. During the 14th and 15th centuries it was the nucleus around which the centralized Russian state took shape. In the 16th and 17th centuries it was the most densely populated and economically developed part of Russia. As a result of the administrative reapportionment of 1708 the area became mainly part of Moscow Province.


Got’e, Iu. V.Zamoskovnvi krai v XVII v. Moscow, 1937.