Zarev, Pantelei

Zarev, Pantelei


(pseudonym of Pantelei lordanov Pantov). Born Nov. 11, 1911, in the town of Vidin. Bulgarian literary critic and specialist in literature, public figure. Member of the Bulgarian Communist Party since 1932. Member of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party since 1966.

Zarev received his higher philosophical education at the University of Sofia. He became editor in chief of the journal Literaturna misul (Literary Thought) in 1957. Zarev became vice-president of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 1968, and in the same year he became rector of the University of Sofia. His works were first published in 1934. His most significant works on the history of Bulgarian 19th- and 20th-century literature, literary theory, and criticism were published in the 1950’s and 1960’s. He is the author of the historical-literary study Panorama of Bulgarian Literature (books 1-2, 1966-67). Zarev was awarded the Dimitrov Prize in 1950 and 1969.


Izbrani proizyedeniia, vol. 1. Sofia, 1971.


Karaslavov, G. “Belezhit uchen i obshchestvenik.”Rabotnichesko delo, Nov. 11, 1971.