Zavoiko, Vasilii
Zavoiko, Vasilii Stepanovich
(also V. S. Zavoika). Born July 15 (27), 1810, in the village of Prokhorovka, Zolotonosha District, now Kanev Raion, Cherkassy Oblast; died Feb. 15 (27), 1898, in Podol’e Province. Russian admiral (1874). Descendant of a noble family.
Zavoiko was promoted to the rank of ensign in 1827 and fought in the battle of Navarino the same year. He sailed twice on transport ships to Kamchatka and Alaska. Zavoiko became head of the Okhotsk trading station of the Russian-American Company in 1840, head of the Aian port, which he had founded in 1846, and military governor of Kamchatka and commander of the Petropavlovsk port in 1849. While directing the defense of Petropavlovsk in 1854, he repelled the attack of an Anglo-French squadron. In 1855 he organized the evacuation of the residents and garrison from Petropavlovsk to the mouth of the Amur, where he directed the defense and construction of the port that is now Nikolaevskna-Amure. After 1856 he served on the Naval Auditoriat, the highest navy tribunal.