Zenker's diverticulum


(di?ver-tik'u-lum) plural.diverticula [L. devertere, to turn aside] DIVERTICULA OF THE COLONAn outpouching of the walls of a canal or organ. See: illustration

diverticulum of the colon

An outpocketing of the colon. These may be asymptomatic until they become inflamed.

diverticulum of the duodenum

A diverticulum commonly located near the entrance of the common bile or pancreatic duct.

false diverticulum

A diverticulum without a muscular coat in the wall or pouch. This type of diverticulum is acquired.

gastric diverticulum

A pulsion-type diverticulum usually on the lesser curvature of the esophagogastric junction.

diverticulum of the jejunum

A diverticulum usually marked by severe pain in the upper abdomen, followed occasionally by a massive hemorrhage from the intestine.

Meckel's diverticulum

See: Meckel's diverticulum

diverticulum of the stomach

A diverticulum of the stomach wall.

true diverticulum

A diverticulum involving all the coats of muscle in the pouch wall. It is usually congenital.

Zenker's diverticulum

See: Zenker's diverticulum