Zenobius of Otnia

Zenobius of Otnia


“the monk Zinovii.” Died about 1568. Russian ecclesiastical writer of the 16th century.

Zenobius lived in Otnia Monastery in Novgorod, where, it appears, he had been exiled after the trial and conviction of his teacher, Maxim the Greek. In his writings, Exposition of the Truth for Those Inquiring About New Teachings (published 1863) and Many-worded Epistle (1880), he spoke out against the reformist and humanistic ideas of Theodosius the Slant-eyed, an opponent of serfdom. He discussed questions of church dogma in great detail, criticizing heretics and demanding harsh physical punishment for them.


Zimin, A. A. I. S. Peresvetov i ego sovremenniki. Moscow, 1958.
Klibanov, A. I. Reformatsionnye dvizheniia v Rossii v XlV-pervoi polovine XVI vv. Moscow, 1960.