


a Bolshevik publishing house founded in St. Petersburg in 1906 by M. S. Kedrov. After Vpered Publishing House was destroyed, Zerno became the link between the Central Committee of the RSDLP and several Russian organizations and party groups abroad; it had representatives in several cities of the country. Publication plans were sent to V. I. Lenin. Prominent members of the publishing house included N. I. Podvoiskii, N. S. Angarskii (Klestov), N. N. Baturin (Zamiatin), S. S. Danilov, M. S. Ol’minskii, N. A. Rozhkov, and M. A. Sil’vin.


Kedrov, M. S. “Izdatel’stvo ‘Zerno’ v Peterburge (1906–1908 gg).” Krasnaia letopis’, 1933, nos. 3–4 (54–55), pp. 162–83.
Ioffe, A. M.Izdatel’skaia deiatel’nost’ bol’shevikov v 1905–1907 gg. Moscow, 1971.




(The Seed), an underground newspaper of the Narodnik (Populist) group Black Partition, aimed at workers and peasants. Six issues were published 1880–81. The first issue was printed in Geneva, the second came out in hectograph in Russia, and nos. 3–6 were printed in an underground printing house in Minsk. The texts of the Zerno articles were reprinted in V. I. Nevskii’s book From “Land and Liberty” to ‘‘Emancipation of Labor” (1930).