Zernovoe Khoziaistvo

Zernovoe Khoziaistvo


(Grain Farming), the monthly scientific and production journal of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR. Published in Moscow since 1972. It formerly came out under the names Zernobobovye kul’tury (1963–66)andZernovye i maslichnye kul’tury (1966–71). It is intended for the managers, agronomists, economists, and other specialists at kolkhozes, sovkhozes, and agricultural agencies; brigade and division leaders at the farms; and workers at scientific research institutions, higher educational institutions, technicums, and procurement organizations and enterprises. It treats questions of the organization, economics, and technology of producing grain and seeds of essential oil crops, raising product quality, processing and storage, and organizing state purchases. Circulation, 14,000 (1972).