Zhdanov, Evgenii Aleksandrovich

Zhdanov, Evgenii Aleksandrovich


Born Feb. 19 (Mar. 3), 1839, in St. Petersburg Province; died Nov. 18 (30), 1892, in Tbilisi. Russian geodesist and cartographer; lieutenant general.

Zhdanov graduated from the Artillery Academy (1858) and from the Geodetic Division of the Academy of the General Staff (1860). He directed astronomical geodetic work in Bessarabia (from 1870) and in the western border area (from 1881). In 1886–92 he was head of the Caucasian Military Topographical Department. Zhdanov helped compile the 5-verst (5.35 km) map of the Caucasus.


Novokshanova-Sokolovskaia, Z. K. Kartograficheskie i geodezicheskie raboty v Rossii v 19-nachale 20 vv. Moscow, 1967.