(zĭn`dər), city (1988 pop. 120,892), S Niger. It is the trade center for an agricultural region where grains, manioc, and peanuts are grown, and cattle and sheep are raised. Manufactures include millet flour, beverages, and tanned goods. Zinder was situated on an old trans-Saharan caravan route that connected N Nigeria with the African coast as early as the 11th cent. The walled town was the capital of a Muslim state controlled by BornuBornu, former Muslim state, mostly in NE Nigeria, extending S and W of Lake Chad. It began its existence as a separate state in the late 14th cent. From the 14th to the 18th cent. Bornu exported slaves, eunuchs, fabrics dyed with saffron, and other goods to N Africa.
..... Click the link for more information. from the 16th to the mid-19th cent. Zinder was conquered by the French in 1899 and during World War I was the scene of an unsuccessful TuaregTuareg
or Touareg
, Berbers of the Sahara, numbering c.2 million. They have preserved their ancient alphabet, which is related to that used by ancient Libyans.
..... Click the link for more information. uprising against French control. The town grew after 1920, when nomads began settling there in large numbers, and from 1922 to 1926 it served as the capital of the French Niger colony. Parts of the old city wall and the 19th-century palace of the ruler of Zinder still stand.
a city in southern Niger. Population, 38,000 (1969). Zinder is a highway junction and the terminal point of the trans-Saharan Laghouat-In Salah-Zinder road. It is the trading center of an agricultural region (cereals, peanuts, leather, hides, and livestock). Zinder has a vegetable-oil extraction plant. Among the principal trades are the dressing of skins and basket-weaving. A steam power plant is located here.