

单词 zip



Z0018700 (zĭp)n.1. A brief sharp hissing sound.2. Energy; vim: I just don't have any zip today.3. A zipper.4. Slang Nothing; nil; zero: He knows zip about the restaurant business.v. zipped, zip·ping, zips v.intr.1. a. To move with a sharp hissing sound.b. To move or act with a speed that suggests such a sound: The cars zipped by endlessly.2. To act or proceed swiftly and energetically: zipped through her homework.3. To become fastened or unfastened by a zipper: The dress zips up the back.v.tr.1. To cause to move with speed and force: zipped the ball to a teammate.2. To fasten or unfasten with a zipper: zipped up his jacket.


(zɪp) n1. (Knitting & Sewing) a. Also called: zip fastener a fastening device operating by means of two parallel rows of metal or plastic teeth on either side of a closure that are interlocked by a sliding tab. US and Canadian term: zipper b. (modifier) having or equipped with such a device: a zip bag. 2. a short sharp whizzing sound, as of a passing bullet3. informal energy; vigour; vitality4. slang US nothing5. (General Sporting Terms) sport slang US and Canadian nilvb, zips, zipping or zipped6. (Clothing & Fashion) (often foll by: up) to fasten (clothing, a bag, etc) with a zip7. (intr) to move with a zip: the bullet zipped past. 8. (intr; often foll by along, through, etc) to hurry; rush: they zipped through town. 9. (Computer Science) (tr) computing to compress (a file) in order to reduce the amount of memory required to store it or to make sending it electronically quicker[C19: of imitative origin]


(zɪp) n (Electronics) trademark NZ an electric water heater


n. a format for compressing electronic files for efficient storage and transfer. [1985–90]


Past participle: zipped
Gerund: zipping
I zip
you zip
he/she/it zips
we zip
you zip
they zip
I zipped
you zipped
he/she/it zipped
we zipped
you zipped
they zipped
Present Continuous
I am zipping
you are zipping
he/she/it is zipping
we are zipping
you are zipping
they are zipping
Present Perfect
I have zipped
you have zipped
he/she/it has zipped
we have zipped
you have zipped
they have zipped
Past Continuous
I was zipping
you were zipping
he/she/it was zipping
we were zipping
you were zipping
they were zipping
Past Perfect
I had zipped
you had zipped
he/she/it had zipped
we had zipped
you had zipped
they had zipped
I will zip
you will zip
he/she/it will zip
we will zip
you will zip
they will zip
Future Perfect
I will have zipped
you will have zipped
he/she/it will have zipped
we will have zipped
you will have zipped
they will have zipped
Future Continuous
I will be zipping
you will be zipping
he/she/it will be zipping
we will be zipping
you will be zipping
they will be zipping
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been zipping
you have been zipping
he/she/it has been zipping
we have been zipping
you have been zipping
they have been zipping
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been zipping
you will have been zipping
he/she/it will have been zipping
we will have been zipping
you will have been zipping
they will have been zipping
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been zipping
you had been zipping
he/she/it had been zipping
we had been zipping
you had been zipping
they had been zipping
I would zip
you would zip
he/she/it would zip
we would zip
you would zip
they would zip
Past Conditional
I would have zipped
you would have zipped
he/she/it would have zipped
we would have zipped
you would have zipped
they would have zipped


Noun1.zip - a quantity of no importancezip - a quantity of no importance; "it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"; "reduced to nil all the work we had done"; "we racked up a pathetic goose egg"; "it was all for naught"; "I didn't hear zilch about it"goose egg, nada, naught, nil, nix, nothing, null, zero, zilch, zippo, aught, cypher, cipherrelative quantity - a quantity relative to some purposenihil - (Latin) nil; nothing (as used by a sheriff after an unsuccessful effort to serve a writ); "nihil habet"
2.ZIP - a code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mailpostal code, postcode, ZIP codecode - a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecyname and address, destination, address - written directions for finding some location; written on letters or packages that are to be delivered to that location
3.zip - forceful exertionzip - forceful exertion; "he plays tennis with great energy"; "he's full of zip"vigor, vigour, energyforcefulness, strength, force - physical energy or intensity; "he hit with all the force he could muster"; "it was destroyed by the strength of the gale"; "a government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man"athleticism, strenuosity - intense energy; "his music is characterized by a happy athleticism"
4.zip - a fastener for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tabzip - a fastener for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tabslide fastener, zip fastener, zippercardigan - knitted jacket that is fastened up the front with buttons or a zipperdress, frock - a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodicefastening, holdfast, fastener, fixing - restraint that attaches to something or holds something in placeskirt - a garment hanging from the waist; worn mainly by girls and womentrouser, pant - (usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately; "he had a sharp crease in his trousers"
Verb1.zip - close with a zipperzip - close with a zipper; "Zip up your jacket--it's cold"zip up, zipperfasten, fix, secure - cause to be firmly attached; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man"
2.zip - move very fastzip - move very fast; "The runner zipped past us at breakneck speed"hurry, travel rapidly, speedgo, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"dart, fleet, flit, flutter - move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart; "The hummingbird flitted among the branches"run - move fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time; "Don't run--you'll be out of breath"; "The children ran to the store"whizz along, zoom, zoom along, whizz - move along very quickly


verb1. speed, shoot, fly, tear, rush, flash, dash, hurry, barrel (along) (informal, chiefly U.S. & Canad.), buzz, streak, hare (Brit. informal), zoom, whizz (informal), hurtle, pelt, burn rubber (informal) My craft zipped along the bay.noun1. (Informal) energy, go (informal), life, drive, spirit, punch (informal), pep, sparkle, vitality, vigour, verve, zest, gusto, welly (slang), get-up-and-go (informal), oomph (informal), brio, zing (informal), liveliness, vim (slang), pizzazz or pizazz (informal) He gave the choreography his usual class and zip.
energy apathy, inertia, lethargy, indifference, laziness, sloth, sluggishness, listlessness


noun1. Informal. Capacity or power for work or vigorous activity:animation, energy, force, might, potency, power, puissance, sprightliness, steam, strength.Informal: get-up-and-go, go, pep, peppiness.2. A lively, emphatic, eager quality or manner:animation, bounce, brio, dash, élan, esprit, life, liveliness, pertness, sparkle, spirit, verve, vigor, vim, vivaciousness, vivacity.Informal: ginger, pep, peppiness.Slang: oomph.verb1. To move swiftly and effortlessly:Informal: breeze.Slang: waltz.2. To move swiftly:bolt, bucket, bustle, dart, dash, festinate, flash, fleet, flit, fly, haste, hasten, hurry, hustle, pelt, race, rocket, run, rush, sail, scoot, scour, shoot, speed, sprint, tear, trot, whirl, whisk, whiz, wing, zoom.Informal: hotfoot, rip.Slang: barrel, highball.Chiefly British: nip.Idioms: get a move on, get cracking, go like lightning, go like the wind, hotfoot it, make haste, make time, make tracks, run like the wind, shake a leg, step on it.


(zip) noun1. (also ˈzipper) a zip fastener. 拉鏈 拉链2. a whizzing sound. They heard the zip of a flying bullet. 颼颼聲 飕飕声 verbpast tense, past participle zipped1. to fasten with a zip fastener. She zipped up her trousers; This dress zips at the back. 拉上拉鏈 拉上拉链2. to move with a whizzing sound. A bullet zipped past his head. 颼颼飛過 飕飕地飞过zip fastener (usually zipor ˈzipper) a device for fastening clothes etc, in which two rows of metal or nylon teeth are made to fit each other when a sliding tab is pulled along them. 拉鏈 拉链


(zip) : zip code in the United States, a postal code, usually having the form of a five-figure number, placed at the end of an address. 郵遞區號 邮政编码


拉拉链zhCN, 拉链zhCN



1. noun Nothing; zero. A: "Did any payments come through today?" B: "Zip. I don't know how we're going to pay our rent." I knew I did horribly on that test, but I can't believe I actually scored zip.2. noun Energy; vitality; vigor. The self-help book promises to put some zip back into your marriage. Come on, put a little zip in your step!3. noun Speed. Wow, for such a tiny car, it's got a lot of zip!4. verb To move with great speed. He zipped past me before I could ask him about our paychecks. I just need to zip to the bank and deposit this check.

zip by

1. To pass physically by (someone or something) with great speed. He zipped by before I could ask him about our paychecks. The police cars zipped by our house in pursuit of the criminals.2. Of time, to pass very easily or pleasantly, as if going fast. Wow, the afternoon completely zipped by! Being stuck inside with the kids when it's raining can be a drag, but try coming up with inventive new games to play with them and the day will zip by.3. To visit someone or some place for a brief period of time or for a particular purpose. Mary said she'd zip by for a quick visit. I just want to zip by the bank on the way home to deposit this check.See also: by, zip

zip along

1. To move very speedily. I used to see him zipping along on his motorbike each morning. The runners zipped along on the race course.2. To get moving; to leave promptly. You zip along and try those problems on your own—if you still have questions, we can go over them tomorrow during my office hours. I had better zip along before the bank closes.See also: zip

zip through

1. To move through something or some place with great quickness. He zipped through the office and out the door as soon as the clock struck five. She zipped through the streets in his bicycle to deliver the package.2. To complete, accomplish, or work through something with great speed or ease. Don't just zip through the book like that, or you won't remember anything that happens a week later. Thanks to all my studying, I was able to zip through the test in less than an hour.See also: through, zip

zip along

to move along very fast. The motorcycle zipped along nicely. Let's zip along and get there on time.See also: zip

zip past someone or something

to run or move past someone or something very rapidly. The deer zipped past the hunter, who stood there, startled. The cars zipped past the intersection.See also: past, zip

zip something on

to put on a piece of clothing and zip it up. She zipped her jumper on and headed toward the door. Zip on your jacket and let's go.See also: on, zip

zip something up

 1. to close a zipper. You should zip that zipper up. You should zip up that zipper. 2. to close a garment by zipping a zipper closed. You had better zip your jacket up. You had better zip up your jacket. 3. Sl. to close one's mouth. (Fig. on {2}.) Zip your mouth up, Fred! Zip up your mouth, Fred.See also: up, zip

Zip (up) your lip!

 and Zip it up!Inf. Be quiet!; Close your mouth and be quiet! "I've heard enough. Zip your lip!" hollered the coach. Andy: All right, you guys. Shut up! Zip it up! Bob: Sorry. Andy: That's better.See also: zip

zip by

v.1. To pass quickly, as of a moving object or an interval of time: The summer zipped by so fast that we didn't get the chance to do half of the things we planned to.2. To pass someone or something quickly: The cars zipped by the people on the side of the road.3. To pay a brief visit: My friends zipped by for a quick lunch.See also: by, zip

zip through

v.1. To accomplish or proceed with something swiftly and energetically: She zipped through college in just three years.2. To read something quickly and with ease: I zipped through five chapters of Great Expectations in less than an hour.3. To move rapidly through something: The bird zipped through the air to its nest.See also: through, zip


1. n. nothing. There was no mail today. Nothing. Zip. 2. n. a score or grade of zero. Well, you got zip on the last test. Sorry about that. 3. n. vigor; spunk. Put some zip into it. It’s too ho-hum. 4. in. to move to a place fast. I’ll zip to the office and get a new form. 5. n. a worthless person; a person who amounts to zero. Garth is such a zip. No brains in his head at all. 6. n. an ounce of a drug. How much for a zip of hash. 7. n. cocaine. He’s freezing his nose with zip nearly every night.

zip along

in. to move along rapidly. Days are zipping along, and we’re all getting lots done. See also: zip

zip gun

n. a homemade handgun. (Underworld.) The kid had a zip gun, so I didn’t argue. See also: gun, zip

Zip (up) your lip!

and Zip it up! exclam. Be quiet!; Zip up your mouth! Shhhh! Zip up your lip! Zip it up and keep it zipped. See also: up, zip

Zip it up!

verbSee Zip up your lip!See also: zip

Zip your lip!

verbSee Zip up your lip!See also: zip


mod. drug intoxicated. (Drugs.) The kid is too zipped to talk. See also: zip



[zip] (computer science) Open standard for file compression and decompression used with personal computers.


(tool, compression, file format)To create a compressedarchive (a "zip file") from one or more files usingPKWare's PKZIP or a compatible archiver. Its use isspreading from MS-DOS now that portable implementations ofthe algorithm have been written.

zip is also the name of a Unix archiving utility compatiblewith PKZIP. unzip is the corresponding de-archiver.

See also gzip, tar and feather.


(storage)Zip Drive.


(1) To compress a file with PKZIP. See ZIP file.

(2) (Zip) A removable disk from Iomega. See Zip disk.

(3) (ZIP) (Zig-Zag Inline Package) A chip package similar to a DIP, but both rows of pins come out of one side in an alternating pattern. See DIP and chip package.

(4) (ZIP) A proprietary messaging protocol from IBM. PROFS uses ZIP for its email transport.


ZIPCompressed File (PKzip file name extension)
ZIPZone Improvement Plan (US Postal Service service code)
ZIPZip Drive (Iomega)
ZIPZigzag Inline Package
ZIPZone Improvement Plan
ZIPZone Information Protocol
ZIPZone d'Intervention Prioritaire (French: Priority Intervention Zone; Canada)
ZIPZig-zag Inline Package
ZIPZinc Iron and Protein
ZIPZone d'Initiative Privilégiée (French: Initiative Privileged Area; Belgium)
ZIPZenith International Publishing (UK)
ZIPZero Interpolation Processing (medical imaging)
ZIPZ-Machine Interpreter Program (Infocom's game emulator)
ZIPZone Industrielle Portuaire (French: Port Industrial Zone)
ZIPZoster Immune Plasma
ZIPZero Inventory Production
ZIPZero Interest Plan
ZIPZinc Impurity Photodetector
ZIPZodiacal Infrared Project
ZIPZero Intelligence Potential
ZIPZRT/IRT- Related Protein


  • all
  • verb
  • noun

Synonyms for zip

verb speed


  • speed
  • shoot
  • fly
  • tear
  • rush
  • flash
  • dash
  • hurry
  • barrel (along)
  • buzz
  • streak
  • hare
  • zoom
  • whizz
  • hurtle
  • pelt
  • burn rubber

noun energy


  • energy
  • go
  • life
  • drive
  • spirit
  • punch
  • pep
  • sparkle
  • vitality
  • vigour
  • verve
  • zest
  • gusto
  • welly
  • get-up-and-go
  • oomph
  • brio
  • zing
  • liveliness
  • vim
  • pizzazz or pizazz


  • apathy
  • inertia
  • lethargy
  • indifference
  • laziness
  • sloth
  • sluggishness
  • listlessness

Synonyms for zip

noun capacity or power for work or vigorous activity


  • animation
  • energy
  • force
  • might
  • potency
  • power
  • puissance
  • sprightliness
  • steam
  • strength
  • get-up-and-go
  • go
  • pep
  • peppiness

noun a lively, emphatic, eager quality or manner


  • animation
  • bounce
  • brio
  • dash
  • élan
  • esprit
  • life
  • liveliness
  • pertness
  • sparkle
  • spirit
  • verve
  • vigor
  • vim
  • vivaciousness
  • vivacity
  • ginger
  • pep
  • peppiness
  • oomph

verb to move swiftly and effortlessly


  • breeze
  • waltz

verb to move swiftly


  • bolt
  • bucket
  • bustle
  • dart
  • dash
  • festinate
  • flash
  • fleet
  • flit
  • fly
  • haste
  • hasten
  • hurry
  • hustle
  • pelt
  • race
  • rocket
  • run
  • rush
  • sail
  • scoot
  • scour
  • shoot
  • speed
  • sprint
  • tear
  • trot
  • whirl
  • whisk
  • whiz
  • wing
  • zoom
  • hotfoot
  • rip
  • barrel
  • highball
  • nip

Synonyms for zip

noun a quantity of no importance


  • goose egg
  • nada
  • naught
  • nil
  • nix
  • nothing
  • null
  • zero
  • zilch
  • zippo
  • aught
  • cypher
  • cipher

Related Words

  • relative quantity
  • nihil
  • bugger all
  • Fanny Adams
  • fuck all
  • sweet Fanny Adams

noun a code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail


  • postal code
  • postcode
  • ZIP code

Related Words

  • code
  • name and address
  • destination
  • address

noun forceful exertion


  • vigor
  • vigour
  • energy

Related Words

  • forcefulness
  • strength
  • force
  • athleticism
  • strenuosity

noun a fastener for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tab


  • slide fastener
  • zip fastener
  • zipper

Related Words

  • cardigan
  • dress
  • frock
  • fastening
  • holdfast
  • fastener
  • fixing
  • skirt
  • trouser
  • pant

verb close with a zipper


  • zip up
  • zipper

Related Words

  • fasten
  • fix
  • secure

verb move very fast


  • hurry
  • travel rapidly
  • speed

Related Words

  • go
  • locomote
  • move
  • travel
  • dart
  • fleet
  • flit
  • flutter
  • run
  • whizz along
  • zoom
  • zoom along
  • whizz




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